Three bicycle advocacy groups call off merger [Bike Radar]

All three advocacy groups remain committed to increasing safe cycling networks
All three advocacy groups remain committed to increasing safe cycling networks (Bikes Belong)

In a move that was designed to bring bicycle advocacy and cycling-related issues in the United States to a single group, the three largest U.S. bike advocacy groups announced this past winter a merger. It would give a single and unifying voice for bicyclists. But in August the three groups announced it wasn’t to be.
The groups, the Alliance for Biking & Walking, the League of American Bicyclists and Bikes Belong, met in San Diego earlier this year to discuss a merger with a goal to reduce confusion over cycle advocacy issues and to present a united message.
At the time it seemed to make sense for all parties involved and would help cyclists across the country.
“This is very important to understand,” Tim Blumenthal, president of Bikes Belong told BikeRadar in March. “The League has individual membership and a very large membership base, the Alliance has city and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups, and Bikes Belong has manufacturers and retailers.”
However those same facts remain issues that couldn’t be overcome.
Logistics and geography also were factors. Bikes Belong is based in Colorado while the two other groups are based in DC. In addition there are three separate boards of directors and three separate staff teams. Trying to merge three groups, and meet the early 2013 goal was simply not possible.


  1. "Three separate boards of directors and three separate staff teams" and nobody wanted to give up their fief, even if the status quo is worse for us.


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