Bike Commuting Continues to Rise in US []

Every year, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates the share of Americans who bike to work. Although the survey only counts people as bike commuters if they ride to work the majority of days (among other restrictions), it's the best way to track the growth of bicycling to work. The League of American Bicyclistscrunched the latest survey data and found that bike commuting rose slightly (though not significantly), from 0.53% in 2010 to 0.56% in 2011.
Since 2000, bike commuting grew 47% on average in the U.S. It fared even better in large cities, where it increased 73% on average. If you live in a metropolitan area, you can see how your city stacked up in the chart below or by searching the spreadsheet linked in this blog by the League of American Bicyclists.
At, we're working to help the rest of the country look like Portland in the graph below, where more than 6% of workers typically ride to work. Even more important than the commute to work is the 40% of trips Americans make that are two miles or less—an easy biking distance. You can help us make bicycling for transportation safer and less stressful for Americans by getting involved today! 
bike commuting growth
