Lakewood tickets rider of 4-wheeled 'bike' for riding it in the street: Road Rant []

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Dominic "Vinnie" Latessa bought this quadricycle to take his 10-year-old son, Tyler, for rides. Lakewood police ticketed Latessa for having the pedal-powered vehicle on the street.
Dominic "Vinnie" Latessa claims he went for an afternoon bike ride near his Lakewood home Sept. 26. Police and prosecutors? They're not buying the story.
They say Latessa rode an unsafe toy vehicle on Madison Avenue that day in violation of the law.
Police ticketed Latessa for pedaling a bulky four-wheeled contraption along Madison near Ridgewood Avenue. City and state rules prohibit people from cruising down streets on roller skates, skateboards, sleds or toy vehicles. The traffic offense is classified as a minor misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $150.
That riding-a-bike defense Latessa wants to use? Forget it, officials said. The law defines a bike as a device with two or three wheels propelled solely by human power. A quadricycle has one too many wheels to be allowed on the street.


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