Dirty Double Fondo is May 18th, 2013. Salida, Colorado
Please make sure to read all rules for this. This is fully unsupported and you will need to be self-sufficient in order to complete this. The rules are located HERE.
No more than 74 people allowed for this event!
This is intended to be NON-COMMERCIAL, Recreational-Use Activities that are held on parts of USFS lands in compliance with USFS Special Use Rules and Regulations.
Double Metric (200K) Gravel Grinder
Website located at: http://dirtydoublefondo.wordpress.com/
What: Early Season, High Elevation Gravel Grinder, Self Supported, Ultra-Endurance, Hella-Epic. 200K of high altitude gravel. Starts and finishes in Salida. Formerly known as the South Park Dirty Fondo. The DDF is re-tooled and fully optimized.
Registration page located here: DDF 200k registration
Start: Meet a 6:45 AM in SALIDA at Cafe Dawn, rolling at 07:00 AM sharp! Restrooms are available at the Start.
PARKING: Please park in the Parking lot on the East side of first street, by Subculture Cyclery….or park on the North side of Safeway, between 2nd and 3rd street in the free parking lot. Do not park in the Safeway parking lot and please don’t park at Cafe Dawn or on ‘ G ‘ Street in front of Cafe dawn as there are a limited number of spaces for Customers of Cafe Dawn and we will be occupying a space for..well…a while.
Finish: Whenever you arrive back in town – there will be a sign in / sign out board. The start will be at Cafe Dawn. The finish will be in Salida, at a TBD location… depending on the number of riders.
Lodging : There are a number of hotels in the area. The Simple Lodge and Hostel is 2 blocks from the start. There is free camping with a pit toilet at “Salida East” – two miles east (downstream) of town off of Hwy 50.
Course Description: Garmin connect version
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