A Free Bike-In Movie Theater to Make the L.A. River a Hotspot [Good]

2013 is turning out to be the Los Angeles River’s big year. From bridges to kayaking to bike-paths, there are quite a few things in the works for Los Angeles’ infamously derelict waterway. While organizations and agencies are making significant strides on revitalization efforts, there are still quite a few non-believers out there. We hear all the time how big and expensive and crazy all these plans are. But what great idea isn’t? Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Angelenos don’t believe, because they never have been given a reason to. Well now is the time, people. All over the world, communities are standing up for their cities and rethinking their public spaces. The beauty about place making, is that it allows people to participate in revitalization everyday, sometimes without even knowing it. And while fixing urban infrastructure is a daunting task, having fun and building community is not. So it has now become part of our organization’s task to do both.


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