Ohio to Erie Trail - Camp Chase Trail Development

Development studied along Camp Chase Trail could result in an Urban Campground and Bike Hub.

Auto dealer Chris Haydocy is quick to acknowledge that a casino and urban campground for long-distance bicyclists would be unconventional cornerstones for redevelopment of Columbus’ west side.

But the president of Haydocy Automotive on West Broad Street and leader of a group trying to revitalize that area said the Hollywood Casino Columbus and a possible hub along the Ohio-to-Erie bike trail south of the $400 million casino could help lift the west side’s image and attract businesses.

“They are polar opposites but will tell a really good success story for the west side” said Haydocy, president of the Weston Vision Inc. redevelopment group. “We want to be identified by two big iconic things – this urban campground and Hollywood Casino Columbus.” The bicycle hub, which could include camping facilities for those traveling the 300-mile trail being built between Cincinnati and Cleveland, still is under discussion...

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