A warning to bicyclists in Columbus! [Craigslist] #speechless #letsride

To the bicyclist who went down hard today,I admit you must be hurting but I laughed all the way to work.
Yes, I saw you speeding down the street with no intentions of stopping .And like a moron you thought I wouldn't pull out.I had already come to a complete stop at my stop sign. Yeah, I knew you were going to swerve around me and when I heard that loud thud the smile on my face was as wide as could be! I didn't stop but saw you rolling around on the ground as others gathered around you, to see if you were ok.I pray you read this and reply back so I can sit you down and have a man to man with you.Most likely you're in the hospital though.To the other bicyclist driving like idiots,beware of people like me who wont stop for you..We are out there and fed up...Still laughing man...Damn the look on your face when you saw that I wasn't letting you blow through that stop sign!!!!! Priceless...
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Posting ID: 3880796644
Posted: 2013-06-19, 10:18AM EDT


  1. Criminal..? Wanker..? The possibilities are endless...

  2. So, a girl from the UK, who posted something on twitter, was followed up with by police. Is there any way to get the CPD to do something similar, I wonder? I mean, this guy just confessed to vehicular assault and leaving the scene of an accident.


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