I posted A warning to bicyclists in Columbus! (some anger issues, Get help) [Craigslist]

Here are some very rude Emails I got from some real idiots.
As you can see they clearly have some anger issues they need to address.
Please get help.

PS. the post was made up just to see how many wackos would come out of the wood work. I will post some more emails later.

jennifer grimm
Asshole. Karma's a bitch. Better hope you are never in the hospital yourself and have me as your nurse.
shawn kothe
I will throat punch you!
John Newsom
You are a pathetic excuse for life. I hope your vehicle catches on fire with you trapped inside. Seriously. I wouldnt risk my flesh to pull you out. Instead, I would say, "Oh well, that asshole was asking for it".

Bragging about hurting a random stranger is pretty sick and twisted. You probably belong in a mental institution.

Have a great day.

[10TV story]


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