Bike Commuting is Economical and Healthy for You and the Planet | Light & Motion

By Cyril Jay-Rayon
As an endurance MTB cyclist and adventure athlete, I know how proper nutrition can help you reach your performance goals. However, if you don’t stay active and on the move, especially during the long winter months, don’t count on any food to keep you healthy and fit. That’s why my secret “superfood” is not a supplement or food at all. It’s commuting to work on my bike. And, here’s why. Commuting to work on your bike is the best way to find time you thought you didn’t have to stay active on a regular basis.
I live in Los Angeles, one of the least bike friendly cities in the US, but I found a good route to ride to work. My car commute is a minimum of 35 minutes to work. When I ride, it’s 1 hour and more reliable so I know exactly how long it will take me to get to and from work. So, for less than 1 hour more of commute, I get 2 hours of exercise per day. An obvious side benefit to all this bike commuting is that the car stays in the driveway saving me on gas, car maintenance, and reduces my carbon footprint.
OK, I have to admit that my current commute is unique and enjoyable because part of it is on a bike path along the beach. Yeah, I know. It’s pretty sweet. But, the rest is through busy city streets. And, before this commute, I lived in Seattle where I commuted in the rain and freezing cold in the winter. And, before that, it was even tougher as I lived in Quebec where riding involved snow tires in winter but still doable and exciting. With the right gear, you can commute almost anywhere.
If bike commuting at night is a concern, take a look at the incredible recent improvements in bike light technologies. I feel safer riding on city streets at night because I’m simply more visible with my Light & Motion lights. At night I like to be well lit so I go all in! I don’t cut corners when it comes to being seen. Besides, the cost of the light system is quickly paid for by not paying for gasoline and it’s a good investment in safety.
