Georgia’s Bicycle Registry Is GOP “Small Government” At Its Best | Addicting Info

Georgia's Bicycle Registry Is Republican "Small Government" At Its Best
3 Republicans in “Small Government” Georgia have proposed a bicycle registry. Because a gun registry is tyranny but tracking every bike is “freedom.” Evil Bike Is Evil T-Shirt available at Shirt.Woot.Com.
Bicycle registry? Yes, you read that title correctly. Three Republican representatives, Carl Rogers, Lee Hawkins and Emory Dunahoo (all from Gainesville) have proposed an…interesting amendment. They want to amend the motor vehicle registration law (Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia) to include a bicycle registry. The proposed amendment would require every owner of a bicycle to register and license it with the state for the purpose of an identification process.
The three state legislators were reportedly influenced by local businessman Jim Syfan, of Syfan Logistics.  Syfan told 11Alive News he had pushed a bill like this for years.
Why a bill for a bicycle registry?
“It’s not meant to stop anyone from riding,” Syfan said.  “What it’s meant to do is create an identification process.” Syfan continues his personal rationale,  ”[Most bikers] are nice guys, they’re people, but once in awhile you’ll get a guy that will ride in the middle of the road and flip you off. This is to identify the guys that are not abiding by the rules.”
The bill as proposed would require either a one time registration fee or an annual charge. That would be your choice. Pay them $48 now, once. Or $15 a year, every year. If caught without the proper registration a misdemeanor crime conviction and a fine of $100. But the bicycle registry law wouldn’t end there.
Bicyclists would be required to have a license plate attached. Groups of cyclists would be limited by law to 4 riders which must be spaced 4 feet apart from one another in single file line. The must also keep a 50 foot distance between their group and any other group of riders or face the long arm of the law.
