Weinland Park and Milo Grogan Public Infrastructure Improvement Projects Meeting

Community Leaders and Area Stakeholders:

Please join the city of Columbus on December 12 to learn about plans for Weinland Park and Milo Grogan Public Infrastructure Improvement Projects in 2013-2015. Representatives from the Department of Public Service and its consultants will be on hand to give a presentation, answer questions and share plans and tentative schedules for the following projects:

Weinland Park Community Mobility Plan, Phases 1, 2 and 3
Weinland Park, Phase 3A, 5th Avenue between 4th Street and Grant Avenue
Weinland Park, Phase 3B, 11th Avenue water lines and alleys
Weinland Park, Phase 3B, 11th Avenue roadway
NCR – Milo Grogan – 5th Avenue and Cleveland Avenue
ODOT Urban Paving US-23 – Summit Street and North Fourth Street

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Schoenbaum Family Center
175 E. 7th Avenue
4:00 p.m.

Thanks, and we hope to see you at the meeting.

RSVP not necessary

Public Relations Specialist


50 West Gay Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Direct: 614.645.2695
Fax: 614.645.6938
