Toolmaker Paul Morningstar Found Dead in Booby-Trapped California Home | MTBR

Police used a bomb squad robot similar to this one to enter Morningstar’s home.
According to updates in The Bakersfield Californian, Paul Morningstar died of a gunshot wound, most likely from one of his booby trapped ‘bombs’ in his own home.  Paul was seen biking to the post office by his neighbor Ted Brummer and later that evening, Ted who was busy with friends heard an ‘explosion or bang’ from Paul’s home.  Ted knocked on the door and several windows two days later and when he could not get a response, notified authorities.
Warned of possible booby traps, police used a bomb-squad robot to enter the house.  They discovered three bobby-traps, one of which was a shotgun triggered by mousetraps that seemed to have fired and caused Paul’s death.
Morningstar lived in Bodfish, CA, a small town east of Bakersfield.
According to Ted Brummer, Paul was a good natured guy but with very firm beliefs about protecting nature and wildlife coupled with some strong feelings about politics.  Paul also believed that someone, a specific person, was out to kill him.  It was this particular paranoia that led him to start booby-trapping his own home. It started with a flare and a trip wire between the kitchen and the garage and then led to shotguns and mousetrap devices.
