Do you drive in L.A.? Watch this to see what scares cyclists | LA Times
“It’s less attractive every year to own an automobile here,” says Echo Park resident Ryan Johnson, looking up from his bike. Johnson notes the rising cost of parking, the traffic, the hassle.
“It’s just easier to live without a car. And I don’t miss it at all.”
Johnson is still in the minority in Los Angeles, but it’s a growing minority. He is one of several cyclists featured in “City Cyclists — Competing for Space,” one of two Los Angeles Times videos following the evolving relationship between cyclists and drivers on city streets.
It caps the final week of the RoadshareLA project that TheTimes’ editorial page began at the time of the Oct. 6, 2013,CicLAvia, the third such street celebration last year and the eighth since the first one in 2010. Our goal is to delve into the re-imagining and transformation of city streets that has been occurring even in this traditionally car-oriented city and pull out the questions and issues that cyclists, drivers, residents and leaders must confront:
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