Great America Bicycle Tour 1975

This video was posted on YouTube by one of the participants of the "Great America Bicycle Tour 1975" sponsored by JC Penney.
In 1975, JC Penney hired 12 college students to ride their bikes from NYC to San Francisco. They were promoting their new disc brake equipped bikes OEM'd from Huffy Manufacturing. As you will see, they thought people rode bikes in tennis gear. The music is classic. 
It was a great summer, even with the mandatory "Safety skits" performed at various JC Penney shopping malls.

Some details to look for while watching:
  • Rear disc/front center-pull brakes
  • One piece cranks
  • JC Penney branded bikes, built by the Huffy Corporation
  • Cotton tennis shorts/shirts, and tennis shoes—no lycra kit and clipless pedals needed!
  • Pre-helmet days for non-racers, so no helmets are worn


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