How to Start Riding Your Bike | Bicycling Magazine

Whether your goal is commuting, fitness, transportation, or all of the above, here’s how to get rolling
By Elly Blue
“How do I get started bicycling?”
This isn’t the question I’m asked most often, but it’s the one I’m asked most timidly, earnestly, and in the quietest tones. And it’s been one of the most difficult to answer. Even though I began riding as an adult, the habits of bicycle transportation are so ingrained in my psyche and daily life that it’s hard to remember what it was like not to ride.
I’ve dug deep for this one—and would love to hear from anyone who has started riding more recently about what helped you get started, what details you got hung up on, and what strategies worked. Here’s a pretty simple formula to start with.
We’ll use commuting to work as an example, but you can use the same formula to try biking anywhere you want to go. I’m also assuming that you own a bike and are able to ride it. If not, then those are your first steps—come back to this post later!


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