A Bike Light That You'll Want To Wear Around All Day

This leather-embedded light looks so good you'll want to wear it all the time. It will keep you safe at night whether you're on foot or two wheels.

Now that reflective clothing is starting to look less like traffic cop gear and more like Tron, it's becoming more common to see brightly lit cyclists and runners at night. But the average pedestrian still doesn’t walk around in safety gear in the dark. We tend to assume we’re much more visible than we actually are, and many of the options out there don’t really blend in with non-athletic clothes. But this subtle light, the Vega Edge, is different.
The leather-embedded light is designed to look good enough to wear all day, so if you end up walking at night you'll already have it on. Using strong magnets, it clips on wherever you want to wear it--on a collar or jacket lapel, on a bag, or on a shirt. When it’s turned off, it looks like a simple accessory, or part of your clothes, rather than a safety gadget.
Of course, it can also be used for biking, and that was actually why it was first developed. “As a commuter cyclist in Toronto, biking to work every day, I kept having problems with my bicycle lights,” says Angella Mackey, a Sweden-based designer who developed the lights along with wearable tech experts at Toronto’s Social Body Lab. “Sometimes I forgot them at home, they would get stolen from my bicycle, and they were difficult to fiddle with in the cold weather. As a fashion designer, I also didn’t really like how they looked.”
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