How Washington cyclists can stay safe as more bikes hit city streets | The Washington Post

(Bonnie Jo Mount/ Washington Post ) - A bicyclist rides along 14th NW in Washington.

A parking deck atop an interstate highway might seem an incongruous place to learn bicycle skills, but that’s where eight students, four instructors and two instructor trainees met one sunny recent Saturday. There were two classes being taught — one introductory, the other in “Confident City Cycling” — by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.
“A lot of people ride bikes as kids, and they ride bikes on vacation, and so when they start to ride bikes to get around the city, they don’t think about it,” said Daniel Hoagland, WABA’s education coordinator, one of the teachers on hand that day. “That works for some people. But it’s never going to work for a larger swath of the population.”
The garage that WABA uses regularly for classes in Arlington County is over Interstate 66 at North Quincy Street. It’s adjacent to the Custis Trail, one of the region’s busiest bike corridors, and in the jurisdiction widely hailed as the area’s leader in encouraging another way to travel.
