Morning Links: A disgustingly auto-centric driver, and the rest of the story on that biking tech exec beating

They drive among us.
Commenting on the Facebook page Look! Save A Life / Arizona, a gigantic motorhead asshole driver makes it clear he could care less about the lives on any cyclists who happen to ride — legally — on the road.
Thankfully, jerks like this are a very small minority of drivers, most of whom do their best to drive safely and accommodate everyone.
As for the others, comments like this live forever on the internet. And can be used as evidence if he ever does hit someone.
Thanks to Cyclelicious and Brendan Lyons for the heads-up.
Speaking of Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious, trust him to get the whole story on that bike riding Silicon Valley tech exec arrested for beating the crap out of a driver.
Turns out the driver did hit the cyclist, as the exec had claimed. And both people in the truck — including the guy behind the wheel — were reportedly drunk, and got out to throw the first punches.
Which makes it a case of self defense against a drunken idiot, rather than the vicious assault the local press implied.
And it turns out there’s a lot more to that story of the sick, twisted Ontario, Canada driver who sued the parents of the teenage bike rider she killed for her pain and suffering in having to live with what she did — including the incredible pain of the boy’s parents and allegations of police misconduct.
There’s a special place in hell for people like that.


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