Copenhagen Lighting the Way to Greener, More Efficient Cities | NY Times

A bike path in Copenhagen helps bicycling commuters avoid hitting red lights.Credit
Sofie Amalie Klougart for The New York Times
OPENHAGEN — On a busy road in the center of town here, a string of green lights embedded in the bike path -- the "Green Wave" -- flashes on, helping cyclists avoid red traffic lights.
On a main artery into the city, truck drivers can see on smartphones when the next light will change. And in a nearby suburb, new LED streetlights brighten only as vehicles approach, dimming once they pass.
Aimed at saving money, cutting the use of fossil fuels and easing mobility, the installations are part of a growing wireless network of streetlamps and sensors that officials hope will help this city of roughly 1.2 million meet its ambitious goal of becoming the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025.
[Keep reading at NY Times]


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