Weird Cycling Gear You Should Bring on Every Ride @bicyclingmag

When heading out for a ride, most cyclists know to carry a few crucial items: food, water, a spare tube, and a pump to name a few. But experienced riders almost always have some surprising or unexpected pieces of cycling gear that they can whip out when they need to solve almost any crisis. We asked mechanics, racers, and our own editors what weird things they carry on every ride. Here are the seven most surprisingly helpful essentials we found.

Plastic Shower Cap and Surgical Gloves
Pro mountain biker and volunteer firefighter Rebecca Rusch swears by these weird but practical items. She keeps them in her seat bag and uses them to keep her head and hands dry whenever she gets caught in a cold mountain rainstorm. “They don't look pretty, but they totally work," she says.

[Keep reading at Bicycling]


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