Feds to Traffic Engineers: Use Our Money to Build Protected Bike Lanes @StreetsblogUSA

The feds say there’s no excuse not to use federal funding on designs like protected bike lanes.
The Federal Highway Administration wants to clear the air: Yes, state and local transportation agencies should use federal money to construct high-quality biking and walking infrastructure.
State and local DOTs deploy an array of excuses to avoid building designs like protected bike lanes. “It’s not in the manual” is a favorite. So is “the feds won’t fund that.”
Whether these excuses are cynical or sincere, FHWA wants you to know that they’re bogus.
Last week, the agency released a “clarifying” document that shoots down, on the record, some of the common refrains people hear from their DOT when they ask for safer street designs. This is a good document to print out and take to the next public meeting where you expect a transportation engineer might try the old “my-hands-are-tied” routine.
Here are the seven things FHWA wants to be absolutely clear about:


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